What the F&B industry is talking about in 2020!
2020年餐飲業熱話 |
The global organic food and beverages market is expected to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.44% during the forecast period, 2020 to 2025. Increasing awareness about health benefits of organic food and beverages coupled with the advancement in biological farming techniques are anticipated to drive the demand for organic food and beverages in the region over this period.
全球有機食品和飲料市場在預測期2020至2025年內的複合年增長率為16.44%。隨著人們對健康食品的認知加深,加上生物耕作技術迅速發展,區内有機食品和飲料的需求將進一步提升。 |
Industrialised and developed countries and regions such as Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Korea are major markets for organic food and beverages in Asia
澳洲、紐西蘭、日本、新加坡、香港和韓國等工 業化和已發展地區是亞洲有機食品和飲料的主要市場 |
Market growth is attributed to consumers’ belief that organic food products are safer, more nutritious and better in taste as compared to conventional food items
消費者認爲有機食品比傳統食品更安全、營養更豐 富、口味更佳,帶動市場增長 |
The Asia-Pacific food spread market is forecasted to reach USD 4.6 billion by 2024, growing at a CAGR of 2.75% during the forecast period (2020 – 2024)
2.75% |
Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong x Gourmet Asia 2020 will continue to bring you to explore the down-to-earth workshops, live demonstrations and exciting award-winning events! 香港餐飲展 X 亞洲高端食品展2020 將呈獻一系列精彩活動,包括工作坊、厨藝示範、比賽及頒獎典禮! |
Event Highlights
Hong Kong Best Spirits Awards
香港餐飲展最佳烈酒大獎The Awards aim to select the very best spirits in different styles and promote to consumers in Hong Kong, Macau and greater China, inviting the participation of spirits brands and venues serving spirits lovers who wish to make their names in the industry.
The Best of the Best MASTERCHEF
Asia Art Of Cuisine Society (AOC) was founded in 2006 and is responsible for coordinating various culinary competitions and F&B festivals. The Best of the Best MASTERCHEF (BOBM) was first launched by AOC in 2012 and received a good response. the event will announce qualified participants and recognise participants for their outstanding performance in catering industry at the annual ceremony.
亞洲餐飲廚藝協會(AOC)始創於2006年,負責統籌多項餐飲節目及廚藝比賽。 AOC 於2012年創辦BOBM,旨在表揚餐廳在飲食業的傑出表現,深受業界支持。本届BOBM 頒獎典禮將在香港餐飲展X亞洲高端食品展舉行。
Hygiene Precautions at Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong x Gourmet Asia 2020
香港餐飲展 x 亞洲高端食品展 2020 的衛生預防措施 |
To enhance health and safety standards at Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong x Gourmet Asia 2020, we have implemented the Informa AllSecure, striving to provide the highest standards of safety, hygiene, cleanliness and quality.
To learn more about our hygiene precautions, please visit our website.為提升香港餐飲展 x 亞洲高端食品展2020展會的安全及衛生標準, 我們會採用「英富曼全方位安全標準和指引」,致力提供安全、衛生、清潔和高效的展會體驗。
欲了解更多衛生預防措施,請瀏覽展會網站。 |