
Sniff, Swirl, Sip. Prepare for a sensory discovery of world-class wines in a series of seminars and masterclasses led by Masters of Wine!


日期:    2024年9月3日 (第1節), 2024年9月4日 (第2節), 2024年9月5日 (第3節)
時間:    14:00 – 16:30 (9月3日),11:30 – 14:00 (9月4日)
場地:  The Hub 5E, 香港會議展覽中心

This session will be conducted in English only

All seats will be arranged on a first-come-first-served basis, priority will be given to visitors who have registered on the Event Registration page. 座位有限, 先到先得, 於活動登記頁面預先報名之買家可優先入座。

STEP 步驟 1

Pre-register / Login as RBHK x GA Visitor 登記參觀 / 登入賬戶

STEP 步驟 2

Choose Event Registration after registering as visitor 成功登記參觀後,點選活動登記

STEP 步驟 3

Select the session(s) you would like to attend 選擇場次(可多選)

Programme 活動詳情

3 Sep 2024 2024年9月3日

1pm – 3pm

MWM Wine School

A Fresh Look! Prosecco DOC — The Rosé Typology & New-to-Market
Prosecco DOC 新視角:探索粉紅酒及全新品牌

Theme Description 主題簡介

Since its debut in 2020, Prosecco DOC Rosé has garnered great worldwide attention.
Will this new member elevate the success already achieved by the Prosecco DOC family? How did this Italian sparkler rise to become one of the world's most popular wines?
Ronny Lau, renowned wine writer and Italian wine advocate, will tell us the journey and remarkable story of Prosecco. Join us as he shares new perspective through a tasting of 8 wines and offers his valuable insight on new-to-market brands.

自 2020 年首次亮相以來,Prosecco DOC Rosé 在全球範獲得了廣泛關注。 究竟這新成員能令Prosecco DOC 家族的成就更上一層嗎? 這款意大利起泡酒如何成為世界上最受歡迎的葡萄酒? 著名葡萄酒作家和意大利葡萄酒倡導者劉偉民 (Ronny Lau) 將講述Prosecco的歷史和故事,並透過品嚐粉紅酒及新到港品牌,分享對Prosecco 的新視角。

Anty Fung

About the Speaker 關於講者

A DipWSET, Certified Sommelier and Certified Specialist of Wine, Anty currently divides her time between managing Hip Cellar, a professional wine storage and a wine-and-dine concept AnOther Place, developing profile variety for the online wine trading platform WWXplorer and teaching WSET courses at MWM Wine School by Debra Meiburg MW.

英國葡萄酒及烈酒基金會的四級文憑,認可導師及評估員,侍酒師大師協會的認可侍酒師,和葡萄酒教育協會的認可葡萄酒專員。曾於美國拉斯維加斯,馬爾代夫等地工作,現涉足多個葡萄酒業務範疇,包括管理專業酒窖Hip Cellar和法日私房菜 AnOther Place,發展國際葡萄酒交易平台WWXplorer,及於本地唯一一所由葡萄酒大師創辦的葡萄酒學府 MWM Wine School by Debra Meiburg MW 任教。



4 Sep 2024 2024年9月4日

12:30pm – 1:30pm

MWM Wine School

Tips and Tricks: Using Georgian Wine to Enhance Dining Experiences

Theme Description 主題簡介

Matching the right wine with the right dish is the first step to delight diners. How can we garnish with extra details to surprise and impress them? Using Georgian wines as examples, Anty Fung will share her tips and tricks on better wine service and experiences. You will also get a quick digest of key varieties and their styles through a tasting of 5 wines.

用合適的酒搭配合適的菜餚是取悅食客的第一步,但如何運用額外的細節為顧客增添驚喜?Anty Fung 將以格魯吉亞葡萄酒為引子,分享提升侍酒服務質素及客戶體驗的心得。您還可通過品嚐 5 種葡萄酒,速成了解格魯吉亞主要品種及其風格。

Anty Fung

About the Speaker 關於講者

A DipWSET, Certified Sommelier and Certified Specialist of Wine, Anty currently divides her time between managing Hip Cellar, a professional wine storage and a wine-and-dine concept AnOther Place, developing profile variety for the online wine trading platform WWXplorer and teaching WSET courses at MWM Wine School by Debra Meiburg MW.

英國葡萄酒及烈酒基金會的四級文憑,認可導師及評估員,侍酒師大師協會的認可侍酒師,和葡萄酒教育協會的認可葡萄酒專員。曾於美國拉斯維加斯,馬爾代夫等地工作,現涉足多個葡萄酒業務範疇,包括管理專業酒窖Hip Cellar和法日私房菜 AnOther Place,發展國際葡萄酒交易平台WWXplorer,及於本地唯一一所由葡萄酒大師創辦的葡萄酒學府 MWM Wine School by Debra Meiburg MW 任教。



2pm – 3pm

Asia Wine Service & Education Centre

Hidden Gems of Southern France

Theme Description 主題簡介

Get off the beaten track with a tasting of wines from the smaller, lesser-known parts of France. Myriad amazing terroirs exist, especially towards the south of the country, where you can find exciting hidden jewels.

Join us for this masterclass and guided tasting where you will experience the magic and charm of 3 unique Southern France Appellations – Languedoc Roussillon, Collines Rhodaniennes, and Corbieres Boutenac.

走到人跡罕至的地方,品嘗法國較細小、鮮為人知的地區所生產的葡萄酒。法國較南的地方存在無數令人驚嘆的產區,正等待你前來發掘當中的瑰寶。加入我們的大師班,一同體驗三個獨特的「法國南部」產區──朗格多克-鲁西永(Languedoc Roussillon)、羅丹尼亞山(Collines Rhodaniennes) 和科比爾-布特納克(Corbieres Boutenac)的魔法與魅力。

Jennie Mack

About the Speaker 關於講者

Jennie Mack is the Co-Founder, Managing Director and Principal Educator of Asia Wine Service and Education Centre (AWSEC®). Her career revolved around training and education, from music to corporate training to etiquette training as she enjoys interacting with people and sharing experience.

Holding many high-level wine qualifications, Jennie has been involved in wine education for 28 years, teaching all the WSET courses including the Diploma, French Wine Scholar (FWS), Italian Wine Scholar (IWS), Spanish Wine Scholar (SWS), and has trained staff of a number of wine producers and distributors, restaurants and hotels all over Asia.

Jennie Mack 是亞洲侍酒及教育中心 (AWSEC®) 的聯合創始人、董事總經理和首席教育家。她的職業生涯圍繞著培訓和教育,從音樂、企業培訓到禮儀培訓,因為她熱愛喜歡與人互動和分享經驗。

Jennie 從事葡萄酒教育工作 28 年,擁有多項高等葡萄酒認證資格,主力教授英國葡萄酒與烈酒教育基金會® (WSET®) 的所有課程,包括最高級的WSET®文憑,另有教授法國葡萄酒學者 (FWS)、意大利葡萄酒學者 (IWS)、西班牙葡萄酒學者 (SWS) 等專業課程,亦曾在亞洲各地為多家葡萄酒生產商和經銷商、餐廳和酒店培訓員工。



3:30pm – 4:30pm

Hong Kong Bar & Club Association

Future Trends in the Bar Industry

*No wine tasting in this session 非品酒環節

Theme Description 主題簡介

The bar industry is an important pillar of Hong Kong’s nightlife. There are 8,600 liquor licenses in Hong Kong. The speaker shared why the number of bars increased after the epidemic and the future development trend of bars.


***Special Arrangement: Cancel***

Chin Chun Wing

About the Speaker 關於講者

Born in Hong Kong, Chin Chun Wing has been in the bar industry for 20 years. In 2021, he becomes the chairman of the Hong Kong Bar & Club Association, which has 300 bar members. In addition, Chin Chun Wing is also one of the non-executive directors of the Bar Pacific Group, which has 47 branches in Hong Kong.




5pm – 6pm

Asia Wine Service & Education Centre

Understanding Aroma

Theme Description 主題簡介

A vast majority of “flavour” is experienced via the sense of smell through the olfactory system. Yet pinpointing an aroma, even a seemingly familiar one, can be challenging.

This aroma masterclass introduces you to a systematic methodology to train your nose, and key practical Sensory Skills to allow you to detect, identify and articulate aromas and flavours, using a sophisticated blend of aroma solutions developed by the Aroma Academy.


Stephen Mack
Kikisake-shi, FWS)

About the Speaker 關於講者

Stephen Mack is the CEO of Asia Wine Service and Education Centre (AWSEC®). He holds a Diploma from the UK’s Wine & Spirit Education Trust® (WSET®), for whom he runs Hong Kong’s only centre offering courses and exams up to and including Diploma level. He is also an Advanced Sommelier with the Court of Master Sommeliers, a French Wine Scholar (with Highest Honours), Barossa Master Educator and a Kikisake-shi. Stephen is a renowned wine, Sake and Spirits educator and speaker and has given presentations all over the world.

Stephen has selected the wines for an international airline, judged in numerous wine, sake and spirit competitions from London to Australia and has a wide range of corporate clients for whom he conducts entertaining and educational tutored tastings and dinners. Stephen has also trained the staff of a number of producers and distributors, restaurants and hotels all over Asia.

Stephen Mack 是亞洲侍酒及教育中心 (AWSEC®) 的首席執行官。他持有英國葡萄酒與烈酒教育基金會® (WSET®) 的文憑,並為該基金會管理香港唯一提供包括文憑級別的課程和考試的中心。他亦是侍酒師協會的高級侍酒師、法國葡萄酒學者(最高榮譽)、巴羅薩教育大師和 國際唎酒師。 Stephen 是一位著名的葡萄酒、清酒和烈酒教育家和演講者,並在世界各地做過演講。




5 Sep 2024 2024年9月5日

12:30pm – 1:30pm

Wine & Spirits

Premium Chinese Wine Tasting: Dynasty Wine + Xian Heng Huadiao
優質時尚中國酒品鑒會品嗜: 王朝葡萄酒+ 咸亨花雕

Theme Description 主題簡介

Explore premium Chinese wines with Peter Kwong and Handy Chau as they introduce Dynasty, a Chinese premium wine producer with a pivotal position in the market, and Xianheng Huadiao, one of the best traditional yellow wines to the audience.


Peter Kwong

About the Speaker 關於講者

Mr Peter Kwong is a well-known wine educator, columnist and judge that has won many local and overseas awards, such as the International Sommelier Championship 1997 in Paris.

鄺英志先生除了教授品酒知識以外,也是香港著名的專欄作家和資深品酒師。鄺英志先生曾獲得多個本地和國際獎項,包括1997年於巴黎舉行的 International Sommelier Championship。

Handy Chau

About the Speaker 關於講者

Ms Handy Chau is the Chief Editor of Wine & Spirits Magazine and has written many articles about wine and the gourmet lifestyle.


Kenneth Lee

About the Speaker 關於講者

Mr Kenneth Lee is the third-generation owner of one of the city’s oldest food trade companies, Tung Tai Hong. In additional to his extensive knowledge in food import and export industry, he is also an expert in Chinese wines.


